A baby falls to the floor during childbirth

This news is what makes us think how delicate the time of delivery is and how important it is to ensure the safety of the baby at all times. An oversight, An uncoordination among the health personnel who attended the delivery seems to be the reason that a baby fell to the ground head, producing various wounds.

The events took place on January 16 at the Clinical Hospital of Malaga, where, according to the claim presented by the Patient Advocate Association of Malaga for the damages that the baby would have suffered when falling to the floor during delivery, in the delivery room there was a gynecologist, a midwife and internship staff who just watched.

According to the only source that I have been able to find for this news, the events happened as follows: while the gynecologist exerted pressure on the mother's womb, the midwife decided to use the forceps to remove the baby, although at a certain time, when half the body had come out, he turned and the newborn fell to the ground, hitting her head with surgical metal.

Counted like this, without further context, completely ignoring what the circumstances of that birth were, it sounds like a nonsense that the WHO recommendations for a normal delivery are skipped. But we do not know that context, and in the end what seems clearer, or at least so indicated by the Patient Advocate Association, is that the problem came from carelessness and lack of coordination that, in a second of leaving the baby unattended, could fall from that way.

The girl was transferred to the Materno-Infantil hospital in Malaga with a bruise and a skull fracture, staying hospitalized 16 days, five of them in the Intensive Care Unit.

As we say, for the Patient Advocate Association, in this case there has been "an abnormal functioning of the health administration" due to the performance of the gynecologist and the midwife. The "uncoordination" between the two seems to be what caused the baby to fall.

Fortunately, the girl who fell to the floor during childbirth It has already been discharged, although it is pending several neurological studies. For that reason, the fright and the concern imagine that it will take to erase in the mother. The hospital has apologized by letter to the parents.

Video: Baby Falls to the Floor During Delivery and Dies (July 2024).