Is it better to read aloud or in a low voice?

Yesterday was celebrated in our country on the day of the book and many parents took the opportunity to expand the home library and that of our children with books that do not have a discounted price. The fact that we read helps to encourage reading in them and, at the time of reading, many of us usually do it in silence and see how positive it is for children to do it too.

Let's say we are used to the normal evolution is that they start reading aloud, stopping at each syllable to take their time until they can verbalize the next one, then take speed and keep reading aloud and finally stop talking while reading to do it. individually. Now, ask: Is it better to read aloud or in a low voice?

From EU Read, which is a consortium that brings together the various European organizations that work to promote reading, a campaign called "Reading aloud, reading together" (reading aloud, reading together), which comes to encourage reading aloud and in company, that is, the typical reading of when we were little and we learned in class, reading together.

As they explain, the fact of reading aloud is very important in children, because it allows to create shared moments of great emotional value that makes them somewhat complicit in the story, favoring reading development, normalizing reading and creating an environment in which the one that the child has interest to continue reading more stories.

At home we are not in school and there are not several children (normally) to share the reading, it is recommended share reading with them. It is common that when they get to read quietly, when they are able to read in silence, we let them do it alone, without sharing the moments they are discovering. It is normal to happen, because obviously we cannot share 100% of our children's time, however it is positive to be aware that reading with them is beneficial, because we share time and with them we strengthen ties with them, we induce them to read, because children love all those activities in which they are with us and, by being able to comment on what they read with us, children can broaden their vision of the world and get more tools to think, understand and be critical with their day to day and with society.

In addition, reading aloud helps increase phonological awareness and develop oral language. Let's say that reading a child learns new vocabulary, learns to say words that he probably pronounced badly and listening to himself better integrates everything he is reading.

In summary, It's not bad, at all, for children to read silently. In fact, at a time when other family members are also reading or depending on what situations, out of respect, it is better to do so. However, we should not ignore the benefits of reading with them aloud, so that they hear themselves read and hear us read and so that we can share stories and experiences.

Many adults who love reading enjoy sharing readings with other adults in what is often called a "Reading Club." So they share what they read and comment on it, being tremendously enriching for everyone, because each person contributes their grain of sand and their vision of what they have read. Let's say that, with children, spending time with them while reading and doing it out loud would be something like create our own reading club with them.

Video: Will reading out loud improve your pronunciation & speaking skills? (July 2024).