The physical exercise practiced by pregnant women affects the cardiovascular health of the fetus

When a woman is pregnant, the fetus acquires the benefits of maternal exercise, although the exact cause is still unknown. And that is why the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC) states that pregnant women who exercise regularly during pregnancy favor the development of a stronger and healthier heart in their babies.

This has been demonstrated by a study that researchers at the Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciencies have carried out.

The work shows that the physical exercise practiced by the mother directly affects the cardiovascular health of the fetus

The investigation has been carried out in 61 healthy pregnant women between 20 and 35, of whom 26 practiced some physical exercise on a regular basis. This is: some aerobic activity for more than 30 minutes, and with a frequency of three times per week. The rest of the women led an active lifestyle but did not perform any physical activity constantly during the nine months of gestation.

Participants underwent a magnetocardiogram at 28, 32 and 36 weeks of pregnancy in order to measure the baby's heart rate. After evaluating the results, and especially those corresponding to week 36 of pregnancy, it was observed that the heart rate of babies whose mothers had exercised It was lower than that of babies whose mothers did not practice constant aerobic activities.

It seems that the study also shows that the benefit of maternal exercise in the baby it is not circumstantial, but remains throughout the pregnancy, and (at least) during the first month after birth. The benefit generated in the baby's heart is most evident among those whose mothers had carried out more physical activity during pregnancy.

It is believed that the hormones secreted after the practice of sport, they pass the placenta during physical activity favoring the development of the fetus's heart. Most hormones cross the placental barrier (the barrier that exists between the elements of the mother's and the fetus's cardiac system) in the same way that the hormones responsible for regulating cardiac output, blood pressure and heart rate do. Thus it can be understood that according to maternal activity a fetus has a higher level of these hormones and is better prepared to face compromised situations.

Are you pregnant and want to do some physical activity?

Although sport and physical activity are necessary at any time in our lives, the future mother is recommended always check with the obstetrician what exercises to do and at what intensity you can do them, since in the case of those women who have been sedentary before pregnancy, the increase in physical activity during the same can be harmful.

Depending on the state of health of the mother and the month of pregnancy in which she is, the activity will be more or less recommended. The most recommended for pregnant women are aerobics such as brisk walking, practicing yoga or pilates.

Pregnant women have a hyperdynamic state of circulation, which means they have to pump more blood than usual and, therefore, their heart rate rises. 'The practice of aerobic exercise and flexibility not only decreases this heart rate, but also helps to strengthen the pelvic floor and abdominal wall, which prepares the pregnant mother to face the moment of delivery more safely', says Dr. Palma of the FEC.

Video: Congenital Heart Disease and Pregnancy. Cincinnati Children's (May 2024).