Accessories for going back to school: do you really need so many?

We do not have enough with the textbooks and the school supplies necessary to start the school, which from stores, on television and at all hours offer us all kinds of "essential" accessories to start the course. But, Do you really need so many accessories to go back to school?

Fashionable backpacks, cases, pencils, notebooks, books, uniform, clothes, sneakers ... We have found even lots of ham, cheese and sausages for the sandwich, special for back to school. And although many times these are really necessary elements for children to start the new course, before paying for them there are some questions to ask.

For economy, for responsibility, for care of the environment, we should consider buying new accessories for school twice. For this we have to take into account everything we can reuse, everything that we can borrow and everything we can make ourselves at home.

Let's start talking about the necessary material (whether you go to school or not), the one that we cannot do without. The clothes of the previous year do not have to go down in history if it is still in good condition. Buying it loose, you can serve the child, especially the halftime they used in spring, now in autumn. We may have family or friends who can give us clothes that your children no longer wear.

Even if it is about uniforms, we can inform ourselves in our circle and in the parents' associations, because there may be a reuse program, just as it is done with textbooks on occasion.

Books (or pedagogical material) and clothes, the basics to go to school. Next to a lunch bag (the little ones don't need anything else) and a backpack for those who already carry books.

But be careful with those clothes and backpacks, because it depends on the brand there can be a big difference in price: always the white brands and those that run away from the latest fashions in terms of children's characters, are cheaper. Although we will talk to you about this with our advice so as not to ruin yourself with going back to school as we have done on other occasions ...

And thinking about it, even books could be accessories and not necessary for classes, since in the same way that they are not usually used in the early educational stages, in the following ones the learning method might not be linked to a traditional textbook . But this may be too innovative for now ...

As for the complements, the accessories, a good idea could be to talk with the teacher at the beginning of the classes, and ask what the children will really need, if the school has material in the classrooms or what they have to take them from home (although these issues are usually addressed in a meeting at the beginning of the course).

As to other accessories different from the material that we have considered necessary, such as pens with colored lights, watches, magic markers, pendants for the backpack, spongebob erasers, reflective tracksuit or of course electronic accessories (although these will be requested more by somewhat older children) they are not at all necessary for the return to school. Let's think about it before buying them.

Video: 10 Back To School Essentials!! you need these (July 2024).