The importance of going to the gynecologist to plan pregnancy

Preconception medical consultation, that is, before becoming pregnant, is one of the keys to carry out a healthy pregnancy. The gynecologist's advice can help to achieve a faster, healthier pregnancy and to plan it with greater guarantees.

There are many things to consider before becoming pregnant, so it is convenient that the first visit to the gynecologist is to plan the pregnancy. But nevertheless, More than 80 percent of pregnant women do not go to the gynecologist to plan pregnancy.

There are high figures that do not agree with the recommendation that any woman have annual gynecological exams, since they could be those visits (and not one on purpose) in which the idea of ​​seeking pregnancy would be presented to the professional.

But between half of the women not knowing the importance of the preconception visit and half of the pregnancies occurring unexpectedly, the pregnant women go to the doctor for the first time after learning about their status. And although nothing has to happen, professionals warn that pregnancies may have fewer risks if planned.

For example, in matters of food, most Spanish women are unaware of the foods that contain the nutrients and vitamins recommended in pregnancy, some of which, such as folic acid, are recommended even before becoming pregnant to prevent serious problems in the fetus

In particular, thanks to folic acid, spina bifida could be avoided in two out of three cases. However, two out of three women (67.7%) did not take folic acid before conception.

These are data that come from the "GestMujer Study on care, habits and health promotion in the pregnancy of Spanish women", promoted by the Foundation for the Progress of Education and Health (FPES) and Adamer Woman. The study aims to sensitize the different agents involved in the improvement of pregnancy planning as a primary prevention measure.

The study demonstrates the limited knowledge that women surveyed have about the most important nutritional or vitamin elements and whose levels must be guaranteed during pregnancy, not only folic acid, but also iodine, iron, vitamins B12 and D and calcium. Ignorance about the foods that contain these elements is also high.

Cultural myths have also been analyzed, which, as we saw a few days ago, influence what women expect from pregnancy. For example, 20% of pregnant women believe that the moon influences the time of delivery, or 11% who believe that heartburn is a sign that the baby will have a lot of hair.

Definitely, it is important to go to the gynecologist to plan the pregnancy, not only to prepare the optimal state of health of the mother in order to face the pregnancy, but also by other medical advice, to update the history and to inform the future mother of everything that is true and not in conception and pregnancy

Video: Planning for Pregnancy (July 2024).