Samantha Lee and her culinary creations: healthy dishes that represent landscapes and familiar characters

Samantha Lee is a Malaysian mother who is determined to play a very normal role as a full-time mother and housewife. But of course, then you see her culinary creations and you say, "Let's see, no matter how much she considers herself an ordinary person", she is a piece of artist able to recreate fantastic stories, and represent story characters in the dishes he gives his daughters.

The kyaraben (we know it as the Japanese bento), is a creative solution for children who get bored with food, are very slow, or have a hard time accepting some of the healthy foods that their parents give them to eat. In Malaysia it is called charaben, and also there it has become a phenomenon of pop culture. And not only for children, because many adults take their airtight containers to work with meals that could well go through boxes. Samantha also says that when she started working on this job, her creations left a lot to be desired, but she was pregnant with her second daughter (back in 2008), and she needed the oldest (even a baby) to start eating alone. So he thought: "why not combine healthy dishes and fun in one?", And he achieved the goal from the first moment.

From his hands comes healthy and tasty cuisine in the form of sweet animals, emblematic constructions, characters from the History of Cinema or Music, protagonists of comics, landscapes, etc.

If you look, only basic ingredients are seen on the dishes: Vegetables, rice, seaweed, bread, pasta. Not even to decorate resort to processed products, but make the details with mash, egg yolk or tomato sauce. And you are seeing the results, they are very nice, and they are very hungry (I love rice and raw vegetables, my mouth is watering).

And I have to tell you that as you have observed in all this there is an educational background, first of all because these are balanced dishes from the nutritional point of view, and secondly, because her daughters are already getting old to get involved with her, and they help her prepare the menus, with which they develop some knowledge that will be very useful to them.

Samantha is very happy for the impact that her work is having, she did not expect it, but it is extremely satisfying.

And I am admired, I would be unable to spend all that time with creative cooking, although I dedicate a lot to traditional cooking, really. My children eat everything (the little girl started late to do it: at five), so lucky that I have not had to invent any of these ways to feed them, I don't know where I got the time!

Video: HLS Class Day 2018. Full Ceremony (July 2024).