Week 32 of pregnancy: your baby continues to grow

We arrived at the week 32 of pregnancy in our review of pregnancy week by week. Your baby's appearance is almost what it will have at birth, but it is still too early to leave.

Changes in the baby in week 32 of pregnancy

Your baby's brain is practically formed, so much so that many doctors do not see differences between the brain of a newborn and that of a 32-week-old.

Its weight is around 1,900 grams and its height is about 42 centimeters and if he was born right now he would have a 95% chance of survival, but his lungs are not yet mature.

Changes in the mother in week 32 of pregnancy

Your blood volume has increased between 40 and 50% compared to what you had before you were pregnant, this is so because every time the baby is bigger and your body needs more blood for both.

The baby already occupies all the space and the uterus begins to press the diaphragm which can cause at some time a feeling of shortness of breath.

Another "side effect" typical of these last weeks and quite unpleasant are hemorrhoids, caused by constipation and poor circulation of pregnancy.

It is a good time to start preparing the perineum for the time of delivery, through massages in the area of ​​the vulva and the perineum with rosehip oil decreasing the risk of tears or an episiotomy at the time of delivery.

Diagnostic tests of week 32 of pregnancy

It is time to perform third trimester ultrasound in which the amniotic fluid of the fetus is quantified, the morphology of the fetus is reviewed and its weight is estimated by measurements of the head, abdomen and femur.

Usually this week you will have already started the childbirth preparation classes.

Though Every pregnant and every baby is a world These are the main changes that occur in the mother and the baby during week 32 of pregnancy. Do not stop following your pregnancy week by week.

Next week: 33rd week of pregnancy

Video: Your Changing Pregnant Body, At 33-36 Weeks Pregnant. Kaiser Permanente (June 2024).