Lotus delivery. New fashion or definitive delivery?

The Lotus birth is a form of "natural birth" that consists of the baby and its placenta remain united until the latter separates naturally when dried. Get your name from the Californian nurse Clair Lotus Day, who, in 1974, decided that his son was born this way.

It is a relatively common form of birth in the United States, Canada and Australia, although it is not so much for these latitudes.

But are we facing new fashion or is the Lotus birth the definitive natural birth?

The process of childbirth Lotus is the following: first the baby is born and after a few minutes his placenta is followed. Both will remain united for about a week in which the placenta is going to part with the baby.

What care does it require?

A few hours after being expelled, it should be washed with warm water and allowed to drain on a perforated surface, after gently drying and left well in a bag made for such need, as the one illustrated by the entrance, or covered with a rag Some people add a little salt to "speed up" the drying process.

Regarding the baby's cord, it does not require any specific treatment different from that of a normal delivery.

What WHO and pediatric associations recommend

The WHO recommends the late cutting of the umbilical cord, that is, wait for it to stop pumping blood since there are studies that relate this last blood pumping to a reduced risk of hypoxia, anemia and hypoglycemia. He says nothing about keeping the cord attached to the placenta in this way, although he also says nothing against him.

A birth with a strong spiritual and natural burden

Some say that you have to have very clear ideas when choosing this birth option, because although it seems more complicated than it really is, it is not simple and requires a different way of acting, you have to keep in mind that you no longer there is only you and the baby, but now it is you, the baby and the placenta.

They claim that it is a birth with a strong spiritual burden, because the baby remains attached to his tree of life that will protect him until he finishes drying out.

I will not go into mystical subjects, everyone who sees it as they want but for me it is not very clear that it is a very natural form of childbirth and I will explain myself: thousands of years ago, when our survival depended on going unnoticed by the Predators or the number of our group, it was clear that staying the last meant to be the main dish of the carnivore on duty. Every birth, understanding as such the expulsion of the baby through the birth canal (a C-section would not be included), is natural. Well, being, yes, more or less instrumentalized, but it is natural.

Many animals of that time, once they gave birth to their young, ate the placenta to avoid predators could smell that there had been a birth and had a succulent suckling lamb of main course.

The "natural" at that time was simple, useful and practical, and go with a newborn baby attached to his placenta I do not see it very practical to say. Rather, I see the image of the mother cutting the cord as soon as she ejects the bag so she can follow the group and not end up in anyone's stomach.

What do you think of this Lotus birth? It's a good option? Would you do it

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