What gift has triumphed this Christmas with your children? the question of the week

Even with the Christmas hangover, we have not finished digesting the feasts or picking up the wrappings of the gifts left by Santa Claus or the Magi. And as the illusion in the form of a gift has reached so many homes with children, today in the question of the week we would like to know:

What gift has triumphed this Christmas with your children?

What has been the star gift for your kids? We want to know what children liked the most, what they have not separated: traditional toys, technology, books ... I would not love to know those favorite gifts, and who knows whether to take ideas for upcoming events ...

Last week's question

Seven days ago with the change of the year we asked you, what are your purposes as parents for 2014? and our reader Iskandervv has answered the following:

My main purpose as a mother for the new year is to shout less. It is true that sometimes I feel that it is the only effective thing but I think I am still in time for my son, with his two years, not to get used to his mother hitting the cry to pay attention. I will take advantage of all the posts that you have already published on this matter and I will try to apply other alternative resources.

We appreciate this contribution and now, the new question of the week Now available in our Answers section. You have seven days to answer it, as well as to vote the responses of others.