The emotional moment in which a mother listens to the heart of her deceased son in the chest of the baby who received it

Organ donation saves thousands of lives every year. However, it is not always an easy decision, as it is preceded by moments of great pain and sadness. However, over the years we have seen examples of amazing mothers, who decide to donate the organs of their little ones to give other children a chance at life.

This was the case of Brooke Eaton, a mother who donated her deceased son's organs at age two, and recently, he could hear his son's heart again in the chest of the girl who received him.

Through an emotional video posted on the Facebook page of the Masonic Children's Hospital of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, we can observe the moment when Brooke meets Lola, a baby who was born with heart disease, and who received the heart of her son Cash.

In Babies and more The moment when a mother listens again to the heart of her baby in the chest of a four-year-old girl

Little Cash, only two years old, died tragically a year ago after accidentally drowning in a pool, and Brooke decided to donate her organs to give other children the chance to live. Lola, who is currently 16 months old, was the lucky baby who received her heart when she was five months old.

With the support of a stethoscope, Brooke couldn't contain her emotion when she heard her son's heartbeat in Lola's chest again., who was sitting on his legs at that incredible and emotional moment: "As soon as I saw her, I fell in love with her. There is my son. He is living his life in her now"Brooke commented.

"Cash's story continues with Lola's journey. Together, the two are something very big"said Margaret Bond, the grandmother of little Lola."There is no doubt that we would not have Lola if it weren't for the miracle we received from her heart. Knowing that there is another family that loves her as much as we do is amazing. We have the rest of your life to celebrate".

This was the first time that both families met in person, and the meeting was organized by the same hospital, in which Lola continues to receive her treatments. During the visit, in which Brooke was accompanied by her four-year-old daughter, both families were able to talk about the important bond that now unites them for a lifetime.

Video: Mom hears son's heartbeat after his death (July 2024).