Ham and cheese lasagna, a delicious dish to share with the family

I do not know how it had not occurred to me before, with what I like lasagna and how laborious it is to prepare them. That's why I'm happy with this ham and cheese lasagna, a delicious dish to share with the family.

The good thing is that this lasagna is prepared practically as fast as a mixed sandwich, much more than the lasagna of potatoes and meat that we did a few weeks ago if we do not count the bechamel, which on the other hand, takes so little that you can use a purchase of those sold in the refrigerated area.

Ingredients for 3-4 people

  • 8 plates of lasagna that do not need cooking, 8 slices of ham, 16 slices of Cheddar cheese, 3 tablespoons of bechamel and grated cheese for gratin and a stick of butter.

How to make ham and cheese lasagna

We start by smearing the bottom of the baking dish with butter so the lasagna doesn't stick to us. We put a layer of lasagna and cover successively with York ham and Cheddar cheese.

Cover the cheese with another layer of lasagna and cover it again with ham and more Cheddar cheese as you can see in the images. We do this operation 4 times, cutting the different slices if necessary, so that cover the entire surface well that corresponds to them.

We finish with a last layer of lasagna, the cover with 3 tablespoons of bechamel and sprinkle it with grated cheese. So far, we have the lasagna ready and we can bake it to eat at the moment or save it for when it suits us.

The time has come, just bake for about 15 minutes at 190º so that lasagna sheets are juicy as pasta and cheddar cheese begins to melt. You see that it is very simple.

Processing time | 30 minutes Difficulty | Very easy


This ham and cheese lasagna It is great for a dinner, especially if you have it already prepared and you just need to heat it in the oven. While the table is being prepared, you will almost be ready to eat. Children will love the mixture of flavors of ham and melted cheese with Italian pasta and bechamel and fathers and mothers too. Success is guaranteed.

Video: Ham and Ricotta Lasagna Recipe with Zucchini and Capsicum (July 2024).