The three most frequent foods in the production of severe allergic reactions are milk, egg and peanut

Hospital admissions for severe allergic reactions in children have multiplied by seven in the last decade. In Spain, in the last thirteen years, the frequency of food sensitization doubled, going from 3.6 to 7.4 percent of the population.

These data come from a scientific study led by the doctors and researchers María Teresa Boyano and María del Carmen García, from the Children's Allergology Service of Hospital La Paz (Madrid). This service attended a total of 2100 new patients during 2013, of which half consulted for food allergy.

The study that includes epidemiological data has been collected in a new publication: Food Allergy in Children
Among the risk factors for the development of food allergy, there is a genetic and family history, the characteristics of the food itself and its introduction into the diet, as well as environmental exposure.

The study focuses mainly on the pathology of IgE-mediated food allergy (Immunoglobulin E) because it is the most common and known. This type of allergy manifests itself as a reaction after food intake and, in the case of cow and egg milk allergy, usually coincides with its introduction into the diet

The study makes a development of protein allergies from cow's milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, fruits, nuts, legumes and cereals. The last three chapters focus on oral immunotherapy in food allergy, cross-reactivity pollens-plant foods and protein analysis techniques.

Reality shows that there are 120 foods described as causing food allergies. The most frequent foods in the production of severe allergic reactions are: milk, egg, peanut, nuts, fruits (rosacea) and some vegetables.

Fish and shellfish allergies are less frequent but usually quite serious.

More about food allergies and children

The prevalence of food allergy in children under 3 years old is between 6 and 8 percent. The most frequent foods that produce allergic reactions, according to the data collected in the study, are cow's milk, egg and peanut. In children under two years the food that most often causes allergies is cow's milk while in children under five years is the egg. Cow's milk protein allergy has an incidence in the Community of Madrid of 1.9 percent of children in their first year of life.

In continental Europe, the most frequent allergies in children are: egg, milk and peanut, while in adults, allergies to fresh fruit, peanuts, nuts and vegetables are more common. The evolution and prognosis of these allergies is good for milk and eggs. It is not so much for nuts and fish. At five years 80% of children already tolerate cow's milk. As for the egg, 50% tolerate it at four years and 66% at six years.

The book "Food allergy in children" is a really important job, to unify criteria and clarify a discipline in constant evolution. It outlines the general aspects of the child's food allergy and its concrete development.

Images | Debbie Ramone, nvainio Via | La Paz Hospital In Peques and More | Silvia Díaz: I would like food allergies to be integrated into society in a natural and daily way. Do you know the gastrointestinal symptoms associated with a food allergy? Do we know how children feel allergic to food?

Video: Food Allergies. When to Worry. Parents (July 2024).