The gastronomy that awaits us during Holy Week

In Easter week one of the gastronomic transformations most interesting of the year because from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, we can find dishes of the time both at home and in restaurants where we can go to enjoy a great meal. And is that the religious origin of this week makes the meat is relegated and the cod, the potions, the French toast and the Easter eggs Become essential.

For example, we can emulate the cooks who go out on television, between cooking and singing we spend time in front of the TV! enjoying exquisite dishes that have fish as an element principal. So we can enjoy cod salads, candied cod, fritters of cod or hake, potage of cod with chickpeas, egg Y spinach, rice with cod and vegetables. And of dessert the wonderful French toast wave fried milk that we can enrich with ice cream, for example, cinnamon flavor.

Children may find these meals attractive because they get out of the usual dynamics. There are also other very interesting proposals, such as:

  • Easter eggs. They are preferably decorated chocolate. I recommend going to the bakeries and buy some to take home to enjoy with the family
  • Easter Monas. Typical food of the Spanish northeast: Aragon, Valencia, Catalonia, Murcia. It is a cake or bun that symbolizes that Lent and its abstinence are over. He has the tradition that the godfather gives the goddess the gift of his godson on Easter Sunday
  • Garlic soups. Own northern Spain are served with hard bread that is softening on the plate. The egg, with its strands, is part of this rich soup that is better if it is well seasoned with paprika

I hope you enjoy and live some Intense and fun Easter holidays and especially that you enjoy the gastronomy of these parties.

Live to the Palate | Chickpeas with cod and spinach. Traditional recipe More information |

Video: Target Full Movie Drama,Sci-Fi 2011 (July 2024).