Babies who drink artificial milk have a higher risk of heart disease in adulthood

Why do I still get angry when a pediatrician tells a mother to give her son artificial milk because in total, they are raised the same? Why do I still not understand that a doctor tells a mother that she does not give her medication until she weakens her child, that total is already too old to breastfeed? Why does it bother me that they tell mothers that after a certain age their milk no longer feeds?

Because they are innumerable and the studies that do nothing but show that we have to fight, all in the white coat, to help mothers to breastfeed the longer the better. And when I say help, I don't mean to say "breastfeeding, which is the best", period, but knowing how to help when there are problems with breastfeeding, because a new study shows that Babies who drink artificial milk have a higher risk of heart disease in adulthood.

That I do not talk about that of "if they drink breast milk, when they are children, they get sick less", than also, but which has a response, often, a "well, I know many who have only taken a bottle and are like oaks, and others that with breast milk they are always bad "(that can happen, but that is not representative of what happens at a global level, because we all know also great teat children and always sick bottle children), which I speak already of adulthood, from adolescence or beyond, from diseases that we will suffer without knowing that they are due, in large part, to the fact that when we were little we were breastfed very little time, or nothing at all.

For the study of which I speak the researchers analyzed a sample of 6951 people from 24 to 32 years old, looking for the relationship between birth weight and breastfeeding with the concentration of c reactive protein.

This protein is produced in the liver and its level rises when there is inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation can respond to some inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or vasculitis. In turn, the PCR values ​​are used to know the risk of cardiovascular disease since, the higher they are, the greater the risk.

Birth weight varies the CRP in adulthood

The first thing they saw is that the birth weight has to do with the CRP values, seeing that the protein concentration was higher when the baby weighed 2.8 kg or less. In other words, the risk of cardiovascular disease is greater when the baby is born weighing less than 2.8 kg.

To quantify it further, the researchers said that for every kilo of weight at birth the CRP concentration in adulthood was 5% lower.

The longer you drink breast milk, the lower CRP concentration

When looking at how long they had taken breast milk, and compared to babies who had only taken artificial milk, studies showed that CRP concentrations were 20.1% lower when babies had taken less than three breast milk months, 26.7% less if they had been breastfed between three and six months, 29.6% less between six and twelve months and 29.8% more than twelve months. Less breastfeeding time, higher CRP concentration and higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

To the whole society: let's get the batteries

So I call (another one) to the whole society so that among all we put the batteries. The mothers, so that they breastfeed their children the longer the better and so that, in case of doubts or problems, they seek help in the pediatrician, in the nurse, the midwife or in the breastfeeding support groups.

Health professionals, so they know what to do when mothers arrive asking for help. Governments, to keep in mind that Breastfeeding is not only necessary for health in the first years of life, but also for adulthood, as we see, and decide to expand maternal casualties, generate reconciliation policies and raise awareness among the population and, the rest of the population, be aware support mothers to breastfeed where they want and need, give them encouragement (grandmothers already do) and know how to value that although with artificial milk babies also get fat and grow, their little bodies may have deficiencies for not drinking breast milk, which increase the risk of suffering diseases in adulthood. Hala, we have work.

Video: Whole vs. Skim: Which Milk Is Better For You? (July 2024).