Certain things you can take advantage of to do before your child starts walking

There comes a time in the life of every first-time father when a tipping point occurs, especially as far as tranquility is concerned, and it is when your child starts to move by himself. And it is not that for the parents already in skill it is not, it is simply that with more than one chick swarming around the room, the tranquility is something that one has long forgotten one as it was.

Up to this point life goes by, more or less, quiet or at least quieter than what it will be from now on. And that being able to know where your son is at all times reassures enough and allows one a certain freedom of movement. So, here I bring you certain things you can take advantage of to do before your child starts walking, that although it is not that you are going to stop doing them for the fact that your child walks or not, but it is true that they become more complicated than others.

Do sports with your child

Many were the afternoons that when I arrived from work, I took my son, put him in the car and went for a walk with him for a long time. I even thought, yes, without too much emphasis, emulate other parents and run by pushing the car.

With the little one the thing changed. He kept going out, but since the elder was already walking and did not want to stay at home, he accompanied us ... At his pace of about five meters per minute, which complicates the exercise. I came to consider orbiting around him, but I think I don't need to give social services any more excuses to get me locked up.

A tip for the future stage that will touch you shortly is that you try to play sports, especially the lumbar that you do not see how they resent later.

Travel by plane or train

One of the advantages is that babies under two years old do not pay, but that is the least, since it has the disadvantage that if they do not pay they do not occupy a seat, so we have to carry them in our arms. Still it is much less stressful to carry them in arms than to have to go behind them for the entire train.

Visit museums and exhibitions

Yes, tourism is something that can be done with children of any age and condition, but if you want to see an exhibition of Goya repairing every detail of their works and not where your child is pushing the car or why they make the safety cords So attractive to them.

Visiting friends

If we have friends who do not have children and therefore, a house adapted for children's visits, it is a good idea to pay them a visit before the little ones begin to take their first steps and are able to reach all those bright and extremely fragile things that there are always in the house of friends without children.

It is clear that there are children and children, that not everyone is going to take everything they find in their path and that they still do not have to break or dirty anything, but it is always better to avoid the anxiety attacks that your friends suffer every time Come see your son head towards his Star Wars mockups.

Relax and get bored

Yes, you read correctly, boredom is a sensation that a father will never feel in the presence of his children for a long time. Enjoy a quiet day at the beach, in the park or simply in the living room of your house, while reading a book or watching TV while watching your son out of the corner of his eye on his towel, those are pleasures that you will take in recovering again.

Enjoy your home pre-children

You have made many changes at home for the arrival of the baby, but it is still a house that as a rule is not intended for children. There are no safety sockets, protected corners, doors that do not close, hazardous materials at your fingertips and valuables at eye level. It remains a home for adults to which some changes await.

In my case, we change a lot of things, but we have a very curious little boy, or so it seems when I compare it with the treasure hunter that his brother is made and that is able to empty the drawers of the house before you can leave the bathroom.

This is my little list of things you can do before your child starts walking, which does not have to be this way, every child is a world and also always depends on how we think about ourselves and the good face and the desire that we put on everything. The stage of learning to walk or crawl is full of scares, shocks, cries and products for the bumps, but like all the others it has its magical part and perhaps it is, next to that of beginning to speak one of the most incredible of all.

Video: 10 Mistakes That Make People Use You (July 2024).