Ten healthy habits in pregnancy

You are already pregnant and want to take care of yourself so that everything goes perfectly. Everyone around tells you what you have or don't have to do, sometimes rightly, sometimes without foundation. But there are some healthy habits during pregnancy What should you follow?

These are tips that will benefit us in body and mind, to achieve a healthier pregnancy and prevent unnecessary risks. Do not worry if you just learned that you are pregnant, you have time to change habits and "get fit."

Eat healthy during pregnancy

A good diet It is essential at any stage of life, but especially during pregnancy. Among the tips for healthy eating during pregnancy we can highlight the consumption of well-washed fruits and vegetables (rich in fiber, vitamins ...), dairy products (provide us with calcium), meats and fish (except some not recommended such as bluefin tuna and emperor ) ...

You may be hungry at all times, but remember to choose healthy snacks, do not eat raw foods (sushi, steak tartare ...) or poorly cured. Avoid industrial pastries and in general sweets and food with excess saturated fats.

Take a supplement of iodine and folic acid

During pregnancy and lactation a supplement of iodine and folic acid is recommended, essential nutrients for the proper development of the baby.

Doctors usually recommend nutritional supplements that contain these substances along with other important ones such as calcium, iron, omega-3, vitamins ... in case the mother's diet is lacking and does not reach the recommendations.

Try to maintain an adequate weight

It is difficult to talk about the ideal weight gain during pregnancy, because although in general an increase between six and twelve kilos is recommended, pregnant women with low weight should increase more kilograms to regain their nutritional status, while those who begin with excess weight should limit their increase.

Maintain good hydration.

Stay well hydrated during pregnancy Drinking enough water is essential to stay healthy, to prevent problems such as obesity, varicose veins, edema, constipation ... It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water daily during pregnancy, probably more if it is summer and whenever you are thirsty.

You can also opt for natural juices (better than packaged), milk, homemade smoothies and drink plenty of fruit and vegetables will also keep you well hydrated.

Say no to tobacco and alcohol

It is proven that smoking during pregnancy poses risks. Due to the lack of oxygen, the fetus may not grow and his heart rate accelerates. Tobacco is related to many abortions and deaths of babies, so it should be avoided as much as possible, not only in the mother, but also in the environment.

On the other hand, alcohol passes into the baby's bloodstream and also affects him negatively and if consumption is common, obstetric complications and even fetal alcohol syndrome can occur. In short, it is better not to drink a drop of alcohol during pregnancy.

Exercise during pregnancy

If there is no medical contraindication or risk for pregnancy, The usual practice of exercise provides multiple benefits To the mother and the baby. The moment and the rhythm with which we begin will depend on each woman and what she was used to, but in general there are no limits for this and you can continue with physical activity until the end of pregnancy.

There are some exercises more suitable for pregnant women, such as swimming and other exercises in the water, walking, yoga, cycling ... It will depend on our tastes and also prepares us to face strong and with more encouragement, giving birth to a better recovery. .

Also, let's not forget childbirth preparation exercises (going to classes can help us in many ways and also prepares us for the arrival of the baby) and some important ones such as Kegel to strengthen the pelvic floor ...

Make love

Another exercise we can practice is in privacy. Practice sex during pregnancy, provided there is no risk, it is beneficial for both the mother and the fetus, so it is another healthy habit to consider for the pregnant woman.

In the final stretch of pregnancy, having sex can be a good exercise in preparation for childbirth

We must forget the false myths and know that sex is possible during each quarter and there are also some more suitable positions.

At the end of pregnancy, vaginal contractions due to orgasm soften the cervix (as well as semen prostaglandins), facilitating labor and preparing the body to relieve pain.

Do the medical follow-up

We are not sick, but during the months that the pregnancy lasts our body undergoes many changes, the embryo and the fetus evolve rapidly and we want everything to be fine. The different controls during pregnancy not only serve to get us excited with the first ultrasound (and the following ones ...), they assure us the correct development of the same, as well as the realization of the relevant analyzes.

Among these important prenatal tests are triple screening that detects abnormalities in the fetus or the streptococcus test to see if there is an infection, the O'Sullivan test to control glucose level ...

Take care of oral hygiene

For each child, a tooth says popular knowledge. We are glad that it is false, but some reality is behind that catastrophic phrase. The mouth during pregnancy also undergoes changes, the composition of saliva, hormones, nausea ... cause a good number of pregnant women suffer from oral problems. Therefore, remember to wash your teeth with fluoridated cream after each meal, floss and rinse mouthwash.

The gynecologist does not have to be the only specialist we see during pregnancy. A visit to the dentist is recommended to monitor oral health at least once during pregnancy, preferably in the second trimester, to check that all is well.

Relax, rest

Mental health is also important and we need to be as close as possible to 100% for the arrival of the baby. It is not always easy, especially if we already have previous children and more than anything at the end of pregnancy, but we must try to rest to the maximum and keep the stress away from our life.

We seek a good quality of sleep (although in the last quarter the matter is complicated), we continue to exercise and carry out activities that clear us, entertain us, relax us ...

In short, these are healthy habits during pregnancy that you have to follow to prevent risks and that everything goes well. Follow the doctor's recommendations and soon you will have your baby in your arms ... Start a new stage that, by the way, must also be very healthy!

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