Healthy food is also encouraged in schools in the Fiji Islands

In Fiji (Oceania) it is developed in a program of health promotion through food, aimed at students of primary schools. It has been operating since 2009 and its main objectives are to promote healthy behaviors in children and to prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer or heart disease.

The students learn to eat healthy in school canteens, and many times experiencing, as in the Khemendra school, where children also grow fruits and vegetables in the school garden; Then eat it.

The origins of the program are partly in the high rates of obesity among adults (20 percent in men and 41 in women)

It is thought that it is very important to start sowing health when the population is very young, so guidelines are developed from the Government of the Republic of the Fiji Islands for those responsible for school canteens: both for meals and for drinks.

Liu Yunguo is a WHO representative for the South Pacific and Director of technical support for the Pacific; is convinced that these actions will impact on the next generation.

The general health of some schools justifies this health strategy. For example, in Navai, approximately 80 percent of the students were malnourished because "junk food" predominated in the diet. Also in Labasa they suffered health problems, due to the rates of obese students; Now natural fruits and juices have a strong presence in the diet.

It's nice to check around the world there willingness and commitment to stop the epidemic of various preventable diseases. On occasion we have talked about other experiences such as the activities of the Thao program, the vegetarian dining room of the 244 school in New York, and the widespread commitment for the dining rooms of Japanese schools to serve healthy menus. We hope that finally governments, schools, families and society, we are increasingly aware.

Video: Choose healthy, encourage your friends - Ministry of Health Fiji (July 2024).