Diary of my pregnancy: boy or girl?

Everyone, after congratulating us, asks us what we prefer it to be boy or girl? And we always answer the typical thing: that we don't care, that the important thing is to come sanito.

If I had three girls, I would logically want him to be a boy. But having a girl, I really don't have preferences. Sometimes I think it would be nice if it was another girl. They will barely take two years apart and would be very good companions. I can imagine them teenagers, sharing confidences or shopping ... with dad's card!

Although it is true that there are brothers of the same sex who take very few years and share nothing, but I hope that is not the case.

On the other hand, although my husband says he doesn't care and that with another girl he would be happy, I think he would like to "make sure" the boy. As much as women with fathers have a very special relationship (in fact, they drool with their little one), there are some activities such as sports, excursions or games that parents share in a very special way with their children. Actually, as our plans are to have three children, getting a little demanding I developed the following theory based on sexual fellowship: if it is a child, I prefer that the youngest is also a child; On the other hand, if it is a girl, I also prefer that the youngest be a boy so as not to stay with the desire of the boy.

It is also true that sometimes the boy-girl companionship is greater than between brothers of the same sex, which disputes my theory.

Or there could be some carelessness and a quarter come, which would destroy my theory in a thousand pieces ... and my economy too!

Issue that I have always reached the same conclusion: the important thing is that whatever comes sanito.

If it is good to show its parts in the next ultrasound (week 17), we will soon reveal the mystery. And by the way, where do parents who do not want to know the sex of the baby leave the anxiety until delivery?

Video: Pregnancy Diary-Week 20 Is it a boy-OR-girl? (July 2024).