Small women, complicated births?

The recent birth of a close relative has made me reflect on the gossip and false myths that are usually about births.

The newborn baby has weighed 3,900 kilos. It could already be seen on the ultrasound that was coming large and it didn't take long to speculate if her mother, short, petite and with narrow hips, would be able to give birth to such a baby.

The comments immediately appear, "It will surely be a complicated birth" or "the baby will end up being born by caesarean section because he will not have where to leave". In no way is that so. There is no basis to make those claims, besides they predispose the mother negatively.

For starters, it cannot be determined "in the eyes of a good cubero" that a body is not fit to give birth naturally. It is a mistake, just like saying that because you have small breasts you cannot breastfeed. The size of the pelvis has nothing to do with the size of a woman's hips. There are caderonas women with a small pelvis and small women with large pelvis.

To follow, a small woman can give birth to a baby of more than 4 kilos without problem. In other words, The size of the pelvis has nothing to do with the infeasibility of a vaginal delivery. The important thing is the position of the baby with respect to the shape of the mother's pelvis, which very rarely prevents the baby from leaving the birth canal.

We can all give birth, regardless of our physical complexion or the size of our hips. The woman's body is naturally programmed to give birth vaginally.

In addition, during pregnancy physiological mechanisms are activated that increase the flexibility of the pelvic bones that open to favor the passage of the baby, also that the bones of the head mold overlapping to cross the birth canal more easily.

By the way, to finish the story, the baby was born by vaginal delivery, fast and without complications.

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Video: Mother Delivers Quadruplets at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns (July 2024).