Lunar calendar to know the time of delivery (December 2009)

Few days left before it arrives December, the last month of the year and, like every month, we bring Babies and more one of the most famous myths about pregnancies and births, which says that pregnant women could give birth on days when there are changes in the moon phase.

If you are already parents, it is very likely that someone will tell you about it days before leaving accounts. If you are not and you are waiting for a baby, someone will tell you that you will give birth on a full moon.

The belief is based on the fact that if the moon has an effect on the tides, how it will not have an effect on humans, that we are mostly water and how it will not have an effect on the births of babies, those little creatures that inhabit in an aqueous medium called amniotic fluid. The truth, and Lola told us a long time ago, is that studies have been conducted on this subject and it has been seen that there is no difference between cycles nor can it be demonstrated that the days when the cycle change occurs there are more hospital deliveries.

Despite the evidence, 65% of Spaniards still believe that there are more full moon births compared to 35% who believe that the full moon does not affect and some subsequent studies seem to conclude that there are some differences depending on the time of the cycle mole in which the birth happens.

The subject is then doubtful. There are voices that give value to the lunar calendar and contrary voices that express that it makes no sense to take into account the lunar cycles to know the time of birth.

For those who want to check how far it is a reality I leave the December calendar:

The cycle changes will be as follows:

• Full moon: Day 2 at 07:32 h. • Waning cycle: Day 9 at 00:14 h. • New moon: Day 16 at 12:03 h. • Increasing cycle: Day 24 at 17:37 h. • Full moon: Day 31 at 7:14 p.m.

If it were true, on the 31st, which will be a full moon, many parents will celebrate the end of the year with their newly arrived babies.

Video: Does The Chinese Gender Calendar Really Work (July 2024).