Highlights in Babies and more: March 11-17

Today as every week we offer you a summary of highlights of the last week in Babies and more.

As tomorrow is Father's Day this month we have dedicated it to them and that is why we have explained some tips for parents, since pregnancy, to get involved. We have also written a poetry in case you want to use it to congratulate Father's Day in a traditional way.

We have also interviewed a dad who is very committed to parenting and very active on the Internet, such as Elvis Canino, who explained, among other things, that violence will only begin to be eradicated when it is no longer used with children.

In relation to children and without neglecting parents, we wanted to explain that children come to love their parents: your child will love you more than anything in the world and we have also talked about how reading converts Dream in life and life in dream ... also for a child.

Following the week-to-week pregnancy that we are doing this week, you have been able to read everything related to week 3 and week 4 of pregnancy.

In the question of the week, so that you give us your opinion, we have asked you if you celebrate Father's Day in any special way.

Finally, remind you that in our Baby Club and more you can win a basket of Suavinex products for your baby. In Entre moms, in addition, we have been able to meet some outdoor games to play with children, now that good weather is about to return.

We hope that this week the contents of Babies and more find them interesting, enjoyable and practical. We will work to make it happen.

Video: Highlights package of the Trial: Day 11, 17 March 2014 (July 2024).