Generation V for Spain to be champion in education

At Tajamar School in Madrid they have presented Generation V, a project that aims to show the value proposition of the educational center for its students. And, as you can see in the video, from the College explain that it is necessary educate and train a generation that knows how to connect human values ​​with the value of knowledge and thus be able to face the challenges of the future.

The video, with an impeccable performance and rhythm, presents the recent Spanish sports successes and contrasts them with the bad results that our students achieve in PISA every three years. Your proposal is intended gather on the pitch the best sports experiences of ambition, effort and team combining them with teachers and parents to get the student to lead their progress towards the goal.

He Tajamar school It is masculine and it is pioneer in the incorporation of technological tools in the process of student learning. For example they have a iPad pilot project with more than 300 students of 5th and 6th grade of Primary and 1st ESO. In this educational center they are verifying that the use of technology helps to improve individual learning, favors integration and participation in classes and enhances the curiosity and motivation of the student.

We congratulate the Tajamar College for its proposal of the V generation to get valuable people with values. It is a good vision of where this important educational center wants to position itself.